Friday, July 1, 2011

Town Mouse

In case you were misled, I am not a farm girl.
I'm not a farm girl by birthplace or childhood chores.
I am a town mouse. In a state full of farm.
From a town surrounded by farm.
But, as my skills & immediate farm common sense confirm
I am still a town mouse.
I am, however, a farm girl hopeful.
Which is what this [summer & blog] is really about.
I assume there are other town mice longing for farm & country style.
We can learn together. No post too obvious. No [new] skill too petty.
Luckily, I have a brilliant guide.
Equipped with sophisticated  knowledge, yet humble enough
to exhaust time teaching a simple town mouse to dig a hole...
...and fill it with a transplanted pepper.

This particular patch is predominantly peppers.
Permaculture design generally discourages monoplanting while encouraging diversity.
But, as Permaculture ethics* dictate, waste should also be avoided.
So, If life gives you peppers, plant them.
And so I did. Eighteen inches apart. Which, we discovered, is a distance I cannot eyeball.

*to be discussed in the [very near] future

Copyright Jacquelyn Marie Schneller 2011

1 comment:

  1. Congrats, pepper planter. It's gonna be nice to see the progress. Also, isn't it city mouse and his country cousin? You're way off.
